SATs Preparation


The SATs testing at the end of Year 6 is the culmination of the Primary School Curriculum and for many children will be the first time that they have had to experience a formal examination.

Many children can understandably find the SATs exam rather daunting.

I will help your child with their SATs exam preparation and instil in them the skills they need to pass their SATs exams.

Writing is no longer tested via formal examination in the SATs exam, but rather by ongoing teacher assessment. However, I can incorporate specific writing skills into my SATs exam preparation tuition sessions in order to help your child to improve the overall quality of their written work. These extra skills can help students stand out amongst their peers by achieving higher grades through fuller learning.

I can also offer further advice and guidance regarding elements, such as suitable reading books that your child will enjoy.

The Four Components of The SATs Exam

In their SATs exam, the children will be tested on the following key elements of the SATs test:

  • Mathematical Arithmetic

  • Mathematical Reasoning and Problem Solving

  • English Reading Comprehension

  • English Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (commonly referred to as SPAG)